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Fettermans Shorts Prompt Rule Change

New Dress Code Sparks Controversy in US Senate

Fetterman's Shorts Prompt Rule Change

The U.S. Senate has implemented a new dress code that requires a two-thirds vote to make any changes—a 67-vote threshold significantly higher than before. This change follows a period of controversy surrounding Democratic Senator John Fetterman's attire, specifically his refusal to wear a suit and tie on the Senate floor.

The new rules, which direct the sergeant-at-arms to no longer enforce the longstanding dress code, are widely seen as an attempt to accommodate Fetterman, who has unapologetically worn shorts and hoodies during Senate sessions.

However, the change has sparked outrage among some senators, who argue that it undermines the dignity and decorum of the Senate. Senator John Thune (R-SD) called the new rules "a disgrace" and said that they "diminish the institution." Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) agreed, stating that the Senate "should not be a fashion show."
